Tuesday, April 6, 2010


So here are our first set of answers, questions are also listed before them.

1. How does carbon dioxide affect the atmosphere?

Carbon Dioxide is released in our atmosphere everyday from cars, factories, cows behinds, even our breathing! We humans release this greenhouse gas into the atmosphere everyday!
Carbon Dioxide, or also referred to as CO2 is trapped in our atmosphere due to an imbalance of humans releasing it, and trees absorbing it. This then leaves an over abundance of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. In the atmosphere carbon dioxide collides with heat waves from the sun, stopping them from hitting earth. When this collision occurs the CO2 absorbs the heat and re-emits it in every direction. This means some of the heat goes back into outer space and some comes back down to earth. This heats up the earth more because heat is being re-emitted back to earth. Thus producing global warming.

2. How do trees affect the amount of carbon dioxide in the world?

Trees keep a balance in the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by a process called photosynthesis. In photosynthesis carbon dioxide enters a plant, like a tree, through the stomata. After the process in the plant itself is complete oxygen is then released through the stomata. Trees simply keep the carbon dioxide on planet earth "in check".

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